The PERKS Model’s Revolution for Developing Nations

The PERKS Model’s Revolution for Developing Nations

I’m thrilled to announce that the PERKS Model – A Holistic Approach to Learning and Growth, has officially been approved by the copyright office!

🌟 Blessed to have developed this model as an Educator, PERKS stands for Practical, Experiential, Relevant, Knowledge, and Sharing.

✨ What is the PERKS Model? ✨

PERKS is not just another educational model; it’s a revolutionary paradigm shift towards practical, experience-based learning tailored to the needs of today’s dynamic world.

Let’s dive into what each letter represents:

🔍 P – Practical: Bridging theory and application, PERKS ensures that learning isn’t just about understanding concepts but applying them in real-world scenarios.

👐 E – Experiential: Learning through experience is transformative. PERKS advocates for hands-on learning, where individuals actively engage in projects and activities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

🎯 R – Relevant: Staying ahead requires staying relevant. PERKS ensures that education isn’t just about memorizing facts but understanding their significance in today’s context. It’s about connecting lessons to real-world scenarios.

📚 K – Knowledge: Knowledge is the foundation of growth. PERKS places a strong emphasis on continuous learning and the active application of knowledge in diverse settings, whether it’s in the corporate world, education sector, sports, or research field.

🤝 S – Sharing: Building a legacy through knowledge-sharing. PERKS fosters a culture of collaboration and open communication, where insights and ideas are freely exchanged to drive innovation and progress.

🌟 Why PERKS? 🌟

In a world that’s constantly evolving, we need an educational model that adapts and empowers individuals to thrive in any environment.

How do you feel about this?

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PERKS Model is covered in the book, Fearless: The Art of Personal Evolution.
Amazon (Kindly e-book):
Amazon (Hard Paperback):
Flipkart (Hard Paperback):
Flipkart (e-book): Launching Soon

Let’s revolutionize education together! 🚀

#education #educationalleadership #educationaltechnology #educationforall #charteredaccountants

I’m Abhishek. 😊.
Author, Educator, Researcher, and Fintech Regulatory Professional


Well-being & Job Performance of a Working Professional are key aspects.

This is for working professionals.

Well-being & Job Performance of a Working Professional are key aspects.

Isn’t?, #humanresource #HR

Here are some insights from my recent study on Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) and its impact on job performance and well-being among service sector professionals:

“THE STUDY OF SUDARSHAN KRIYA YOGA ON WELL-BEING AND JOB PERFORMANCE USING CONTENT ANALYSIS”, a 2nd Research Paper published in GAP Bodhi Taru Journal – A Global Journal of Humanities (ISSN – 2581-5857), January 2024, a Special Issue on Indian Knowledge System (IKS) – Sacred to Scientific (attached). An open-access, peer-reviewed journal (as per link).

🔍 Key Findings: SKY significantly enhances economic & subjective well-being, along with job performance metrics.

📊 Data: 90% reported increased positivity, calmness, and centeredness. 100% experienced improved mental clarity and living in the present moment. Productivity soared, with participants accomplishing the same work in half the time.

💡 Implications: SKY integration in wellness programs can boost workforce productivity and resilience to workplace stress.

Link to the published paper : (

Let’s foster healthier workplaces together!

#WellBeing #JobPerformance #SudarshanKriyaYoga #Research

I’ve covered research work in my book too, covering many similar learning mindsets titled:
Fearless: The Art of Personal Evolution

Order now, Fearless: The Art of Personal Evolution
Flipkart (Hard Paperback):
Amazon (Kindly e-book):
Amazon (Hard Paperback):
Flipkart (e-book): Launching Soon
I’m Abhishek. 😊
Stay in touch for more knowledge:
Website –
Youtube Channel – Upskill with Abhishek –
Join WhatsApp Channel –

What are the Loan Waiver Campaigns?

What are the Loan Waiver Campaigns? caution

In recent times, the financial landscape in India has witnessed a surge in misleading campaigns, preying on the vulnerabilities of borrowers, and promising a sanctuary from debt through unauthorized loan waivers.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the custodian of financial stability in the country, has issued a stern caution against such unscrupulous entities that have taken to print and social media to propagate their dubious services.

As participants in the fintech industry, we must shed light on the potential dangers associated with these unauthorized campaigns.

The RBI’s recent alert draws attention to the nefarious tactics employed by certain entities, enticing borrowers with promises of debt relief while actively promoting their services through various media channels.

One alarming trend highlighted by the RBI is the charging of a service or legal fee by these entities in exchange for issuing so-called ‘debt waiver certificates,’ a practice that lacks any legal authority.

This raises serious concerns about the authenticity and legitimacy of such operations, as they operate outside the purview of established financial regulations.

In addition to the financial risks posed to unsuspecting borrowers, these campaigns have a broader impact on the banking sector.

The RBI has pointed out that certain campaigns undermine the efforts of banks in enforcing their rights over the securities pledged by borrowers. This not only jeopardizes the stability of financial institutions but also puts at risk the interests of the depositors who trust these institutions with their hard-earned money.

The RBI’s alert is a timely reminder that these misleading campaigns are not just a matter of individual financial loss but have wider implications for the financial health of the nation.

By misrepresenting that dues to financial institutions, including banks, need not be repaid, these entities sow seeds of distrust in the financial system.

Furthermore, associating with these unauthorized entities not only puts individuals at direct risk of financial losses but also contributes to the perpetuation of illegal activities.

Members of the public must exercise due diligence and refrain from falling prey to false promises of debt relief.

As responsible participants in the fintech industry, we must educate and empower the public about the risks associated with such campaigns.

Together, we can contribute to maintaining the integrity of the financial ecosystem and ensure that individuals make informed decisions about their financial well-being.

I’m Abhishek. 😊
Posts 3-4 times a week on Financial Services, Mindfulness or Research/Sports.
Purpose to help hashtagUpskill ✍ & hashtagEnable hashtagYou, hashtagUs to the fullest.
Stay connected 🤝 . Like, Repost & Collaborate.

Supreme Court: Money laundering threatens nation’s financial system

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court of India (Bharat) denied bail to a person involved in a money laundering case. Economic offenses, such as money laundering, can harm the country’s financial health. Complex plans and large amounts of public money are involved in these crimes.

According to the court, technology and artificial intelligence make it difficult for investigators to understand these crimes. The court said that investigators should be careful not to falsely accuse innocent people.

Even though the person seeking bail argued the investigation was complete, the court disagreed, saying there was enough evidence of his involvement. The court stated that economic offenses require a special approach when considering bail.

Listed below are 10 key takeaways about money laundering as a threat to a nation’s financial system:

💡 Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA): This law holds people accountable for hiding, owning, getting, or using money from criminal activities.

💡 Serious Offenses: Economic offenses like money laundering are serious crimes.

💡 Threat to Economy: These crimes pose a threat to the country’s financial health.

💡 Complex Investigations: Advanced technology makes it challenging to understand these crimes.

💡 AI Challenge: Money laundering is even more challenging with the advancement of technology and Artificial Intelligence.

💡 Enforcement Directorate: Investigates economic offenses in India (Bharat) need to keep upskilling when it comes to new typologies of money laundering

💡 Careful Investigations: Investigators must be careful to avoid wrongly accusing innocent people.

💡 Avoiding Escapes: Guilty individuals don’t escape punishment.

💡 No Bail: Bail for the one involved in a money laundering case to be treated differently

💡 Different Rules: Economic offenses need a special approach when considering bail.

#aml #amlcompliance #amlcft #amltraining #complianceofficer


I’m Abhishek. 😊

Posts 3-4 times a week on Financial Services, Mindfulness or Research/Sports.

Purpose to help #Upskill ✍ & #Enable #You, #Us to the fullest.

Stay connected 🤝 . Like, Repost & Collaborate.


🏏 “Roar with Pride, Team Bharat (India)! 🚀

A billion dreams come true as the sun sets over the magnificent Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, as the ICC Cricket World Cup finals 2023 begin between Bharat (India) and Australia (Astra-aalaya).

Your journey through challenges, triumphs, and moments exemplifies true sportsmanship, Team India. The world is watching, but more importantly, a nation believes in you all. You stand at the pinnacle of the cricketing world, ready to make your name in history. #TheBillionDreams.

My 6 points as India is set to play Australia, Today on Nov 19, 2023 – The ICC Cricket World Cup Finale.

💎 The warrior within each of you is driven by determination, skill, and a never-ending love of the game. Keep in mind the countless hours of practice, the sacrifices you have made, and the dreams you have aspired for. Let the warrior within you guide you to victory.

💎 Unity in Diversity, Strength in Togetherness – Team India, you represent the diverse tapestry of our nation—a symbol of unity in diversity. Let the spirit of togetherness be your strength in the cauldron of the Narendra Modi Stadium. Together, you are an unstoppable force.

💎 The Power of Belief – Believe in your skills, the team, and the dream that has brought you to this grand stage. The power of belief transcends boundaries and propels ordinary moments into extraordinary feats. As you step onto the field, carry with you the unwavering belief that victory is not a destination but a journey you are destined to complete.

💎 The Nation Stands as #One – From the bustling streets of Mumbai to the serene landscapes of Kashmir, from the vibrant colors of Rajasthan to the tranquil backwaters of Kerala—every corner of Bharat stands as one with Team India. You are not just players but ambassadors of our collective hopes and aspirations. #TheBillionDreams.

💎 Play with Passion, Play for Glory – Let the echo of every cheer fuel your spirit, and let the passion within each player ignite the flame of glory. This is your moment, Team India. Bring back the World Cup. Play as #Champions.

💎 Throughout your journey on the field, keep in mind that greatness is not just about winning, but also about the journey, the resilience, and the indomitable spirit that defines true champions. Make the most of the moment, play with your hearts, and strive for greatness.

📣 Team Bharat (India), the stage is yours, #TheBillionDreams, the nation is with you, and write the history again. Go out there, play with fire in your belly, and bring home the glory that is rightfully yours.

Jai Hind!
#teamindia #CricketWorldCup2023 #BharatRises #TheBillionDreams

I’m Abhishek. 😊
Posts 3-4 times a week on Financial Services, Mindfulness or Research/Sports.
Purpose to help #Upskill ✍ & #Enable #You#Us to the fullest.
Stay connected 🤝 . Like, Repost & Collaborate.

Digital lending requires more consideration…

When you lend money digitally, more things need to be taken care of…

– The RBI’s clear stipulations on digital lending, communicated after a series of engagements last year, have been instrumental in shaping the future of lending
– The objective was to ensure Fair Practices are followed in digital lending
– Keeping in mind the #fakemobileapplications #fakeloanapps racket
– Keeping in mind the #KYC#onboarding process incl. #creditrisk, these stipulations were the cornerstone in the regulated lending space
– Very specifics were called out such as sharing Key Facts Statements with the Borrower (KFS)

Yesterday, a renowned retail lender in Bharat (India) was asked to stop sanction and disbursal of loans under its two lending products, with immediate effect.

Why so?

– due to the non-adherence of the company to the extant provisions of Digital lending guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India,
– particularly non-issuance of Key Fact Statements to the borrowers
(Source, RBI)

The Compliances…
– Do we take compliance seriously?
– Compliance professionals are your assets and enablers
– There is the cost of non-compliance. Do you get this?
– Is your compliance independent? Do they have the ability to say “No”?
– Or “Chalta hai” (Oh! it happens) attitude still holds the ground.
– Let compliance do its job.

The RBI is amongst the best financial services Central Banks in the world which enables and fosters innovation not at the cost of non-compliance.

Having worked in this #regulatoryaffairs and #regulatorycompliance domain since 2005, I can sense the #purpose for #beingcompliant.

What’s your take?

#chiefcomplianceofficer #chieffinancialofficer #chiefoperatingofficer #chiefinformationofficer #complianceofficer #compliancemanagement #compliance #complianceregulations #rbi #rbipolicy
I’m Abhishek. 😊
Posts 3-4 times a week on Financial Services, Mindfulness or Research.
Purpose to help #Upskill ✍ & #Enable #You#Us to the fullest.
Stay connected 🤝 . Like, Repost & Collaborate.
*Views are personal based on work experience. Thanks

A Simple Guide to Registration Requirements of a Corporate Agent in Insurance, in Bharat (India)…


If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to become a Corporate Agent in the world of insurance in Bharat (India), you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll break down the complicated regulatory stipulations into a clear and straightforward guide. So, let’s find out the regulatory stipulations!

Who is a Corporate Agent?

First things first, let’s define who a Corporate Agent is. In the context of insurance, a Corporate Agent is any entity or person authorized by the regulatory authority (IRDAI) to solicit and service insurance business. This business can fall under specific categories, including life, general, and health insurance.

Who Can Become a Corporate Agent?

To become a Corporate Agent, you need to meet specific criteria. Here’s who is eligible:

  • Companies: This includes entities formed under the Companies Act, 2013, or any previous company law.
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs): If you’re a registered LLP under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, you’re eligible.
  • Co-operative Societies: This category includes entities registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, or any similar law.
  • Banks: Banking companies and corresponding new banks can also become Corporate Agents.
  • Regional Rural Banks: Entities established under the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976, can participate.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Micro Lending Finance Organizations: These should be covered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, or registered as Non-Banking Financial Companies with the Reserve Bank of India.
  • Others: The regulatory authority may recognize other entities or individuals to act as Corporate Agents.


The Registration Process

Now, let’s walk through the steps of registering as a Corporate Agent:

1. Submission of Request for Login Credentials: Begin by submitting a request for login credentials.

2. Required Documents for Login Credentials: You’ll need to upload specific documents, including:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Net worth Certificate
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Audited Financial Statements for the last two years

3. Login to the Portal: Once you have your login credentials, log in to the Corporate Agency Portal.

4. Upload Checklist and Required Documents: Upload the necessary documents to obtain your Certificate of Registration (after approval by the IRDAI (Authority) and payment of the requisite fee). These include items like your company profile, organizational structure, net worth certificate, and more.

5. Compliance Documents: Prepare and submit various compliance-related documents, such as training, examination records, and code of conduct.

6. Infrastructure Documentation: Provide documents that support your infrastructure, including lease agreements, equipment, and manpower details.

7. Business Plan: Outline your business strategy and plan for procuring insurance business.

8. Declarations: Make declarations regarding FDI in your entity, the appointment of a Principal Officer (PO), and registration with other regulators if applicable.

9. Financial Projections: Provide projected Profit and Loss (P&L) and Balance Sheet for the next three years and audited financial statements for the last three years.

Remember, this list is not exhaustive, and the regulatory authority may request additional information as needed.

Activities After Registration

Once you’ve successfully registered as a Corporate Agent, there are additional activities to consider:

  1. Submission of Principal Officer (PO) checklist for PO license.
  2. Downloading your Corporate Agent Certificate of Registration and PO License from the portal.
  3. Submitting checklists for Specified Persons (SP) licenses and downloading SP Certificates.
  4. Uploading tie-up agreements made with insurers.
  5. Submitting half-yearly and annual returns on the portal, as required.

Understanding the Fees required for registration:

Before you begin, it’s essential to know the fees involved in the registration process:

  • CA – Application Processing Fee: Rs. 10,000
  • CA – Registration Fee: Rs. 25,000
  • PO – Certificate: Rs. 500
  • SP – Certificate: Rs. 500


Becoming a Corporate Agent in the insurance industry is a structured process with specific requirements as stipulated by the IRDAI, which is the Insurance Business regulator. Following the steps outlined in this guide and providing the necessary documentation, you can navigate the registration process and start your journey as a Corporate Agent.

Remember, the regulatory authority may have additional requirements, which a regulator may ask. Hence, one needs to be prepared to handle such situations.

Thank you.


8 steps to know, if you are worried about your credit scores? Read about your rights ..

In April 2023, the Reserve Bank of India introduced measures to enhance the services provided by Credit Information Companies (CICs) and Credit Institutions (CIs). The goal is to ensure customers receive better assistance and address their grievances effectively.

If you recall, recently, RBI has penalized a few Banks for wrong reporting of your credit data with CICs especially in the Credit Card business segment.

In the exercise of the powers conferred in the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (CICRA, 2005), the Reserve Bank of India directs CICs and CIs to implement the directions as detailed below:

What you should know?

1. Notification of Credit Report Access

CICs will now send SMS or email alerts to customers whenever their Credit Information Report (CIR) is accessed by specific users (such as Banks, NBFCs, approved Fintechs, etc). This notification will be sent if the customer’s mobile number or email is available. CIs will notify customers through SMS or email when reporting default or Days Past Due (DPD) in existing credit facilities.

2. Nodal Points for Customer Grievances

CIs must designate a dedicated point of contact for CICs to handle customer grievances. They will share the contact details of this official with CICs and update any changes within five days.

3. Identifying Complaint Root Causes

CIs are now required to perform a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of customer grievances at least semi-annually. This analysis will help them understand the reasons behind the complaints. The results of this analysis will be reviewed by top management annually.

4. Explaining Data Correction Rejections

If a customer’s request for data correction is rejected, CIs will explain the reasons for the rejection. A list of common rejection reasons will be provided by CICs to all CIs.

5. Review of Credit Report Matching Logic

CICs will periodically review their ‘Search & Match’ logic algorithm to provide Credit Information Reports (CIRs) for borrowers. Any issues identified during the RCA of complaints will be addressed by the Board of Directors of the CIC.

CICs shall have a board-approved policy for undertaking periodic review (at least on a half-yearly basis) of the ‘Search & Match’ logic algorithm implemented by them to provide a Credit Information Report (CIR) of a borrower.

6. Timely Data Ingestion

CICs will promptly ingest credit information data received from CIs into their databases within seven calendar days.

If data is rejected, CICs will communicate the reasons to the concerned CI within seven calendar days.

7. Disclosure of Complaints and Framework for compensation to customers for delayed updation/ rectification of credit information

CICs will publish details of complaints registered against them and CIs on their websites in a specific format.

Furthermore, the Reserve Bank of India directs CICs and CIs to implement the compensation framework for delayed updation/rectification of credit information by CIs and CICs.

You as Complainants shall be entitled to a compensation of ₹100 per calendar day if your complaint is not resolved within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the initial filing of the complaint by the complainant with a CI/ CIC. The complainant can approach the RBI Ombudsman, under the Reserve Bank – Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021, in case of wrongful denial of compensation by CIs or CICs.

8. Free Full Credit Report Access

CICs will provide individuals with easy access to their Free Full Credit Report, including their credit score, once a year. This will be prominently displayed on the CICs’ websites.

These measures will be implemented six months from the date of the circular.

Failure to comply may result in penalties as per the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (CICRA, 2005).

This initiative aims to provide better service and transparency for customers dealing with credit information.

Thank you.

Stay Updated, and Be Aware of your financial rights and obligations.


RBI’s HARBINGER 2023 Hackathon Yields Innovative Solutions for Financial Transformation 🙏

✍ A second edition of the HARBINGER 2023 hackathon, themed “Inclusive Digital Services,” has been launched by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in an exciting display of global fintech innovation.

✍ Teams in India and across the globe responded well to this initiative, which aims to develop cutting-edge solutions for financial transformation.

Key Takeaways:

🤖 Global Participation: The hackathon attracted a diverse pool of innovators, with 154 proposals submitted by teams from India, as well as 28 international teams/entities from Australia, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Sweden, the UK, and the USA.

🤖 Three Phases of Innovation: The competition unfolded in three phases, commencing with proposal shortlisting, followed by solution development, and culminating in the final evaluation.

🤖 Innovation Across Four Problem Statements: A panel of external experts shortlisted 28 proposals addressing four problem statements.

🤖 Diverse Solutions: The innovative solutions catered to the differently-abled, streamlined regulatory compliance, explored new use cases for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC-R) and improved the scalability of blockchains.

🏆 Winners and Runners-Up: The esteemed panel of judges and an independent jury selected the following winners and runners-up:

Problem 1: Innovative Digital Banking Services for Differently Abled

🏆 Winner: Ezetap Mobile Solutions Pvt Ltd (Now acquired by Razorpay), India

Joint Runners-up: PoSMirror, India, and SL Avatar, India

Problem 2: RegTech Solutions for Compliance

🏆 Winner: WeavAir, Singapore

Runner-up: Munafa, India

Problem 3: CBDC-R Transactions

🏆 Winner: Dygnify Ventures Private Limited, India

Runner-up: Crunchfish Digital Cash AB (Sweden) + IDFC First Bank (India)

Problem 4: Blockchain Scalability

🏆 Winner: Fortis Net Ltd., UK

🤚 Implications: These groundbreaking solutions promise to enhance the financial ecosystem by ensuring inclusivity for the differently-abled, facilitating efficient regulatory compliance, advancing CBDC-R use cases, and boosting blockchain scalability.

These game-changing innovations, while subject to regulatory compliance, hold the potential to bring ease, accessibility, efficiency, and inclusion to the financial services sector. I’d like you to please stay tuned for the transformation these solutions will bring to the world of finance.


I’m Abhishek. 😊

I post 3-4 times a week on Financial Services, Mindfulness & Research.

Purpose to help #Upskill ✍ & #Enable #You to the fullest.

Stay connected 🤝 . Like, Repost & Collaborate.


*Views are personal.

Does Mental Health Matter to You?

– Oct 10 – World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma.

– Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Highlights Major Boost In Mental Health Budget

– She highlights the substantial increase in budgetary allocations for mental health, citing a noteworthy growth from Rs 713 crore in Budget 2020-21 to Rs 1200 crore in Budget 2023-24.

– This remarkable 70% surge over three years signifies the government’s commitment to addressing mental health issues and ensuring the well-being of its citizens

What does research say?

Do you know?
– As per the National Mental Health Programme, GoI, it is estimated that 6-7 % of the population suffers from mental disorders.
– As per the National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) Accidental Deaths & Suicides in India (ADSI) report data shows an increase in deaths by suicide in 2021.

Do institutions focus on – #EmotionalIntelligence?
– How to handle our own minds, thoughts, and emotions?
– All the teaching is – How you can be #Intelligent and full of #IntelligentQuotient

When faced with adversities, during jobs, examinations, relationship break-ups, and family issues, due to no emotional training, the adverse actions result in.

During the recent #ResearchWork, I tried to find out does Yoga practice has a positive, significant impact on the following well-being aspects:

🌀 Economic well-being,
🌀 Subjective well-being and
🌀 Job-performance

When Yogic Deep Breathing Technique such as Sudarshan Kriya Yoga is incorporated into daily routines, can it significantly improve their results?

and here are the Research Findings:

Research Findings on Mental Health

For direct access to the Research paper – Peer Reviewed, 4th – use the link:


#StaySafe, #Stayblessed